10 Must Have User Interface Books for Designers

But the ability to discern a good interface from a bad one is another thing that will be a breeze after reading this book. We’ll show you examples of bad design and how to fix the most common problems in design today quickly. The third edition of Steve Krug ranks among the most-recommended books for web designers, developers, and anyone interested in web usability. The book covers the principles of navigation and information architecture in a way that’s funny and down to earth.

Here’s a UX/UI book club in Slack, where designers come together every month to read and discuss a suggested book. Whether you are overwhelmed by your first UX job or get stressed just looking at your new design project, this book will help. Sooner or later, seeing how things could go wrong in practice, you start looking for some sets of recommendations towards good practice in design.

You’ll learn how to design and build a readable, beautiful, and useful user interface.

Steven Pressfield’s The War of Art is the creatives equivalent of Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins. It’s an ass-kicking manifesto on “breaking through blocks and winning our inner creative battles”. If you truly want to get the most value from any of the books on this list, commit to reading and absorbing them. The $20-30 investment is worth it in the long-term if it improves your game by just 0.1%.

books on ui design

Create a project plan, define what you are trying to achieve with your MVP, and write it down in your product roadmap. Erika Hall in her book says research is a periscope offering you a better view of your surroundings. I’ll tell you, she created a perfect manual to adjust your periscope. In simple and vivid language, the book tells what is research and what research is not, when you need to gather more information, and when it’s just enough. Johannes Itten was one of the main teachers of Bauhaus — the avant-garde school of design, architecture, and applied arts.

What others say aboutthe book?

It’s an excellent resource for any web UX designer or frontend developer looking to level-up their skills. After all, how will you know what your users will need if you don’t spend time discovering how they interact with products. Now in its second edition, this book ui ux books examines how to conduct research and apply those findings to design and development. But it doesn’t mean it can be poorly designed in the hope you improve it someday. Such an approach only leads to UX debt or even can influence how the market will see your product.

Designers must apply whitespace and visual hierarchy techniques to review cards so users can read and absorb content with minimal mental effort. In this book, UI is explained with the help of four graphic design principles, including Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, and Proximity (C.R.A.P). All the concepts are explained with precise language and added with humor yet easy to understand language.


It would teach you how to keep things simple and easy for end-users. As a relatively new field, user experience design (UX design) and user interface design (UI design) continues to grow and evolve. Designers, even non-designers, enjoy the user interfaces shown in sci-fi movies and TV shows.

books on ui design

It focuses on every creatives’ arch-nemesis—The Resistance—and how this enemy can stop us from achieving anything if we let it. Why does the average person check their smartphone is 110 times a day? As of the fourth quarter of 2019, Facebook has almost 2.5 billion monthly active users.

  • This guide to interaction design is now in its fourth edition with updated examples of how to design contemporary mobile platforms and consumer electronic interfaces with goal-directed design methodology.
  • Ever looked at your work-in-progress and thought, “I know this looks terrible, but I have no idea why”?
  • She is responsible for establishing design research as a legitimate form of research in HCI that is different from, but equally as important as, scientific and human science research.
  • His current clients include Microsoft, Intel, IBM, Logitech, GE, Nike, Hewlett-Packard, KeyBank, Four Seasons, Chase, Target.com, and Whitepages.com.

Books still represent a vast ocean of knowledge if we choose to read them and spend some quality time. On top of that, reading UI design books will certainly help you upgrade your skills and your craft, not to mention giving you a new perspective and better knowledge. This UX reference manual from Smashing Magazine, a publication for web designers and developers, examines 16 common UX tools and techniques for web projects. You’ll also find guidance on how to plan UX projects, case studies of real world UX projects, and checklists to help you pair the right tools with the right jobs.

Timothy D. Wilson is a Social Psychology Professor at the frontier of exploring the evolution of the idea of the unconscious. Turns out that the conscious mind is the tip of the iceberg when we’re deciding how to act and behave. The inspiring, life-changing bestseller by the author of LEADERS EAT LAST and TOGETHER IS BETTER. An insider’s account of Apple’s creative process during the golden years of Steve Jobs. One interesting insight is that Kahneman ends his books with a conclusion on the importance of improving our decision-making and the role that technology can play for that in the future. Ray Dalio comes to the same conclusion in his incredible book Principles.

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